Religion, other spiritual activities, music, art etc., there are many ways to seek a way to live on earth.  This day we would like to create World Peace ourselves in limited space leaded by  many different approaches together. Through our own experiences think and feel about "What is Peace ?" , "What does it do to us?"and "What can I do for it?" . This event is not offering an fixed answer. It is supporting an activation of Divine spark in ourselves. 
Last year Fuji Declaration was lunched and stated our all individual need to connect our own divinities in order to manifest World Peace.  May 2016 at Symphony of Peace Prayers, along a path of Fuji Declaration we support "Soul of Women" . This stated we need to keep a balance of Divine Femininity and Divine Masculinity in each individual, community, society and world to manifest Harmony on Earth.  At moment Divine Femininity is less in all levels.  To start support Divine Femininity  rising in all levels, at first we need to understand "What is Divine Femininity". We are expanding our search at this event. I am looking forward to see the outcome!  Our event is experimental and evoking ourselves each time to seek truth of our own.

At the same time linking with other events worldwide to create a flow of our wishes running around the earth. 
Praying for world Peace is praying for our own individual happiness as well. 

                                         May Peace prevail on Earth 
                                                                                      Byakko & World Peace society Rep
                                                                                         Shinji Kasema

Program IDP 2016  Amsterdam  

 Exhibition : Japanese Dyeing in Kimono
                           Hiroya  Fujii 
        Kimono exhibition is a part of a Tea ceremony in the programs bellow 
                                                   which is organized by
                                                  One Sky One World
  start  15:00
 1.  Opening Speach                            Shinji Kasema

 2.  Yamakage Shinto          kannushi: Paul de Leeuw

 3.   Hindo Chanting                            Sandhya Sanjana

 4. Flag Ceremony

   around 17:00          Food with Joy

 6.  Tea Ceremony                                 presented by One Sky One World

 7.  Gong Bath                                      lead by Valerie Schepper

 8.  Indian Meditation (or Yoga)   Ganga Hoogendoorn

 9.  Gregorian Chant with Sho            Miranda Driessen & Naomi Sato

10.  Improvisation                                  lead by Alex Coke

11.Christian tradition                           Rev. Dr. Andreas Wöhle
IDP 2016 
On Sunday 11th September
 15:00 Till  22:00 
    at Oude Luthers Kerk ( Singel 411 at Spui )

organizers web site:!concept/k35t2